Vocabulary for Advanced Reading Comprehension Crow, John T.; Prentice Hall, 1986 : the Keyword Approach

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Editura Prentice Hall chat
Loc publicare Upper Saddle River
An 1986
Subiect limba engl. - vocabular chat
ISBN 0139429883

811.111/ C90

Crow, John T.
    Vocabulary for Advanced Reading Comprehension Crow, John T.; Prentice Hall, 1986 : the Keyword Approach / John T. Crow.- Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall , 1986.
    XVI, 207 p. : Carte tipărită.
    ISBN 0139429883 : 810000 lei

    1. limba engl. - vocabular


010 __ $a0139429883 $d810000 lei
035 __ $a811.111/ C90
101 __ $aeng
200 __ $aVocabulary for Advanced Reading Comprehension Crow, John T.; Prentice Hall, 1986 : the Keyword Approach $fJohn T. Crow
210 __ $aUpper Saddle River $cPrentice Hall $d1986
215 __ $aXVI, 207 p. $cCarte tipărită
299 __ $aVocabulary for Advanced Reading Comprehension Crow, John T.; Prentice Hall, 1986 : the Keyword Approach
501 __ $aSediul central
606 __ $alimba engl. - vocabular
615 __ $n8
675 __ $a811.111'373
686 __ $a80/811
700 __ $aCrow, John T.
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 777326 / 0777326 AMC Împrumut Da 811.111/ C90
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
AMC Împrumut 1

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