Trio Sonatas : Ars Rediviva Vol. II

Autor chat
An 1967
Subiect sonate chat
Bach, Johann Sebastian chat
Note 785.7/ B13
Fața 3: Trio Sonata in D Minor(BWV1036) for flute, aboe, violoncello and harpsichord; Trio Sonata in C Major(BWV1037) for oboe, violin, violoncello and harpsichord Fața 4: Motet "Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf"(BWV)...
ISRC: 50872

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Trio Sonatas : Ars Rediviva

Trio Sonatas : Ars Rediviva

Bach, Johann Sebastian

Bach J.S.


sonate, Bach, Johann Sebastian

IV 1031

Bach, Johann Sebastian
    Trio Sonatas : Ars Rediviva / Bach J.S. ; dirijor: Milan Munclinger.- , 1967.
    disc audio : Stereo + o broșură 2 pag..    
    785.7/ B13
    Fața 3: Trio Sonata in D Minor(BWV1036) for flute, aboe, violoncello and harpsichord; Trio Sonata in C Major(BWV1037) for oboe, violin, violoncello and harpsichord Fața 4: Motet "Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf"(BWV)...
    ISRC: 50872.

    I Munclinger, Milan(dirijor)

    1. sonate
    2. Bach, Johann Sebastian


299 __ $aTrio Sonatas : Ars Rediviva Vol. II
975 __ $a785.7 $a(086.7)
200 __ $aTrio Sonatas $eArs Rediviva $fBach J.S. $gdirijor: Milan Munclinger $bDisc audio $hVol. II
700 __ $aBach, Johann Sebastian
702 __ $aMunclinger, Milan $4dirijor
035 __ $aIV 1031
675 __ $a785.7(086.7)
686 __ $a78/79
608 __ $aînregistrare audio
606 __ $asonate
606 __ $aBach, Johann Sebastian
101 __ $aceh $aeng
102 __ $aCZ
210 __ $d1967
215 __ $adisc audio $eo broșură 2 pag. $cStereo
300 __ $a785.7/ B13
300 __ $aFața 3: Trio Sonata in D Minor(BWV1036) for flute, aboe, violoncello and harpsichord; Trio Sonata in C Major(BWV1037) for oboe, violin, violoncello and harpsichord Fața 4: Motet "Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf"(BWV)...
300 __ $aISRC: 50872
464 __ $tTrio Sonatas : Ars Rediviva
461 __ $tTrio Sonatas : Ars Rediviva
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 2305/DA / 0002305 D Împrumut la sala de lectură Da IV 1031
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
D Împrumut la sala de lectură 1

Disponibile: 1

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