The Vicepresidency of the United States Relya, Harold C.; Nova Science Publishers, 2001 : Evolution of the Modern Office

Autor chat
Editura Nova Science Publishers chat
Loc publicare New York
An 2001
Subiect vicepreşedinţi americani chat
istoria Americii - anii 1789-1933 chat
ISBN 1590331060

342.5/ R43

Relyea, Harold C.
    The Vicepresidency of the United States Relya, Harold C.; Nova Science Publishers, 2001 : Evolution of the Modern Office / Harold C. Relya and Charles V. Arja.- New York : Nova Science Publishers , 2001.
    VII, 139 p. : Carte tipărită.
    ISBN 1590331060 : 780000 lei

    I Arja, Charles V.

    1. vicepreşedinţi americani
    2. istoria Americii - anii 1789-1933


010 __ $a1590331060 $d780000 lei
035 __ $a342.5/ R43
101 __ $arum
200 __ $aThe Vicepresidency of the United States Relya, Harold C.; Nova Science Publishers, 2001 : Evolution of the Modern Office $fHarold C. Relya and Charles V. Arja
210 __ $aNew York $cNova Science Publishers $d2001
215 __ $aVII, 139 p. $cCarte tipărită
299 __ $aThe Vicepresidency of the United States Relya, Harold C.; Nova Science Publishers, 2001 : Evolution of the Modern Office
501 __ $aSediul central
606 __ $avicepreşedinţi americani
606 __ $aistoria Americii - anii 1789-1933
615 __ $n3
675 __ $a342.511(73)"1789/1933":929
675 __ $a94(73)"1789/1933"
686 __ $a34/36
700 __ $aRelyea, Harold C.
701 __ $aArja, Charles V.
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 777138 / 0777138 AMC Împrumut Da 342.5/ R43
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
AMC Împrumut 1

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