The Effective Executive

Autor chat
Editura Routledge chat
Loc publicare Abingdon
An 2011
Subiect management chat
ISBN 9780750685078
Note Is part of "The Classic Drucker Collection " series.

65/ D85

Drucker, Peter Ferdinand
    The Effective Executive / Peter F. Drucker ; [foreword by Jim Collins].- Revised Ed..- Abingdon : Routledge , 2011 ( : Charon Tec) .
    167 p..    
    Is part of "The Classic Drucker Collection " series..
    ISBN 9780750685078 : 93.03 lei

    I Collins, Jim(pref.)

    1. management


010 __ $a9780750685078 $d93.03 lei
035 __ $a65/ D85
101 0_ $aeng
200 0_ $aThe Effective Executive $bCarte tipărită $fPeter F. Drucker $g[foreword by Jim Collins]
205 __ $aRevised Ed.
210 ## $aAbingdon $cRoutledge $d2011 $gCharon Tec
215 __ $a167 p.
299 __ $aThe Effective Executive
300 __ $aIs part of "The Classic Drucker Collection " series.
501 __ $aSediul central $aSediul central
510 __ $aThe Classic Drucker Collection (tit. serie)
517 0_ $aThe Classic Drucker Collection (tit. serie)
606 __ $amanagement
608 __ $amonografie
615 __ $n8
675 __ $a65.012.4
686 __ $a65
700 _0 $aDrucker, Peter Ferdinand
702 _0 $4pref. $aCollins, Jim
975 00 $a65.012.4
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 872085 / 0872085 AMC Împrumut Da 65/ D85
2. 872084 / 0872084 AMC Împrumut Da 65/ D85
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
AMC Împrumut 2

Disponibile: 2

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