The Days of the Banyan Tree : [tale]

Autor chat
Editura BBC Educational Publishing chat
Longman chat
Loc publicare London
An cop. 1990
Subiect lit. engl. - poveşti chat
ISBN 0563347643

821.111-34/ J17

Jaffrey, Madhur
    The Days of the Banyan Tree : [tale] / Madhur Jaffrey ; illustrated by Jill Newton.- London ; Harlow : BBC Educational Publishing : Longman , cop. 1990 ( : Cambus Litho) .
    32 p. : il..- (Read and listen).
    ISBN 0563347643 ISBN 0582062136 : 5 lei

    I Newton, Jill(il.)

    1. lit. engl. - poveşti

082.1Read and listen

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035 __ $a821.111-34/ J17
101 0_ $aeng
200 0_ $aThe Days of the Banyan Tree $bBroşură tipărită $e[tale] $fMadhur Jaffrey $gillustrated by Jill Newton
210 ## $aLondon $aHarlow $cBBC Educational Publishing $cLongman $dcop. 1990 $gCambus Litho
215 __ $a32 p. $cil.
225 0_ $aRead and listen
299 __ $aThe Days of the Banyan Tree : [tale]
501 __ $aSediul central
606 __ $alit. engl. - poveşti
608 __ $amonografie
615 __ $n8
675 __ $a821.111-34
675 __ $a082.1Read and listen
686 __ $aLS $a821
700 __ $aJaffrey, Madhur
702 __ $4il. $aNewton, Jill
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975 00 $a821.111
975 00 $a-34
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