The Camera

Autor chat
Editura Little, Brown and Company chat
Loc publicare New York
An 2012
Subiect aparate fotografice chat
aparate fotografice (componente) chat
tehnici de fotografiere chat
ISBN 9780821210925
Note The Camera is book 1 of The Ansel Adams Photography Series

77/ A19

Adams, Ansel
    The Camera / Ansel Adams with the collaboration of Robert Baker.- New York : Little, Brown and Company , 2012 ( : Worzalla Publishing) .
    203 p. : fotogr..- (The Ansel Adams Photography (tit. series)).    
    The Camera is book 1 of The Ansel Adams Photography Series.
    ISBN 9780821210925 ISBN 9780821221846

    I Baker, Robert

    1. aparate fotografice
    2. aparate fotografice (componente)
    3. tehnici de fotografiere


010 __ $a9780821210925
010 __ $a9780821221846
035 __ $a77/ A19
101 0_ $aeng
200 0_ $aThe Camera $bCarte tipărită $fAnsel Adams with the collaboration of Robert Baker
210 ## $aNew York $cLittle, Brown and Company $d2012 $gWorzalla Publishing
215 __ $a203 p. $cfotogr.
225 0_ $aThe Ansel Adams Photography (tit. series) $h1
299 __ $aThe Camera
300 __ $aThe Camera is book 1 of The Ansel Adams Photography Series
606 __ $aaparate fotografice
606 __ $aaparate fotografice (componente)
606 __ $atehnici de fotografiere
608 __ $amonografie
675 __ $a771.3
675 __ $a778
686 __ $aLS $a7/77
700 _0 $aAdams, Ansel
701 _0 $aBaker, Robert
975 00 $a771.3
975 00 $a778
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 892273 / 0892273 AMC Împrumut Da 77/ A19
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
AMC Împrumut 1

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