Skiing with Control Shambroom, Rick; Collier Books, 1966 : A Self-Instruction Guide to Techniques and Equipment-Developed, Tested and Perfected Throughout the Major Skiing Contries of the World

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Editura Collier Books chat
Collier Macmillan chat
Loc publicare New York
An 1966
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796.9/ S52

Shambroom, Rick
    Skiing with Control Shambroom, Rick; Collier Books, 1966 : A Self-Instruction Guide to Techniques and Equipment-Developed, Tested and Perfected Throughout the Major Skiing Contries of the World / Rick Shambroom, David Blumenthal.- New York ; London : Collier Books : Collier Macmillan , 1966.
    145 p. : Carte tipărită.- (Collier Quick and Easy).

    I Slater, Betty

    1. ski

082.1Collier Quick and Easy

035 __ $a796.9/ S52
101 __ $aeng
200 __ $aSkiing with Control Shambroom, Rick; Collier Books, 1966 : A Self-Instruction Guide to Techniques and Equipment-Developed, Tested and Perfected Throughout the Major Skiing Contries of the World $fRick Shambroom, David Blumenthal
210 __ $aNew York $aLondon $cCollier Books $cCollier Macmillan $d1966
215 __ $a145 p. $cCarte tipărită
225 __ $aCollier Quick and Easy
299 __ $aSkiing with Control Shambroom, Rick; Collier Books, 1966 : A Self-Instruction Guide to Techniques and Equipment-Developed, Tested and Perfected Throughout the Major Skiing Contries of the World
501 __ $aSediul central
606 __ $aski
615 __ $n7
675 __ $a796.92
675 __ $a082.1Collier Quick and Easy
686 __ $a78/79 $aLS $az3
700 __ $aShambroom, Rick
701 __ $aSlater, Betty
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