ROCK 'n 'Roll Classics

Editura PPL chat
Loc publicare London
An s.a.
Subiect muzică instrumentală chat
Note Conţine broşură cu o scurtă prezentare a artiştilor prezenţi pe CD. Autor: Den Moran.

784/R61; II 672

    ROCK 'n 'Roll Classics.- London : PPL , s.a. (England : PPL) .
    1CD + 1 broşura.- (Legends in Music).    
    Conţine broşură cu o scurtă prezentare a artiştilor prezenţi pe CD. Autor: Den Moran.

1.FREDDIE SLACK & ELLA MAE MORSE: House Of Blue Lights/(F.Slack/D.Raye/(R) United Artists/Big Three Music Ltd.)


2.JERRY LEE LEWIS: Bonnie B/(C.Underwood/(R) Knox Music Limited)


3.ROY ORBISON: Ooby Dooby/(Noors/Penner/(R) Southern Music Pub. Co. Limited)


4.MERRILL E.MOORE: Rock, Rockola/(L.Ross/(R) Vanguard Songs)


5.THE CADETS: Stranded In The Jungle/(Smith/Johnson/Curry/(R) Souther Music Pub. Co. Limited)


6.THE PLATTERS: Voo Vee Ah Vee/(J.Williams/(R) Argo Music Inc.)


7.THE JODIMARS: Well Now Dig This/(Pingatore/(R) Cecil Lennox Limited)


8.GEORGE JONES: Heartbreak Hotel/(Axton/Durden/Presley/(R) Multimood Music Limited)


9.ESQUERITA: Hole In My Heart/(Esquerita/(R) Copyright Control)


10.RICHARD BERRY & THE PHAROAHS: Louie Louie/(R.Berry/(R) Limax Music Ltd.)


11.JOHNY OTIS: Good Golly/(J.Otis/D.Hicks/(R) Leeds Music Limited)


12.ROB ORBISON & THE TEEN KINGS: Rock House/(Jenkin/Orbison/(R) Carlin Music Corp.)


13.RICHARD BERRY & THE PHAROAHS: Rock, Rock, Rock/R.Berry/(R) World Copyrights Limited/EMI Music)


14.JERRY LEE LEWIS: Down The Line/(R.Orbison/(R) Carlin Music Corp.)


15.ESQUERITA: Rockin ' The Joint/(Esquerita/(R) Peter Maurice Music Co. Limited)


16.THE CADETS: Do You Wanna Rock/(unknwon/(R) Copyrights Control)


17.TEEN QUEENS: Rock Everybody/(unknown/(R) Copyright Control)


18.CARL PERKINS: Dixie Fried/(Perkins/Griffin/(R) Carlin Music Corp.)


19.FRANKIE MILLER: Poppin ' Johnny/Veale/Ward/(R) Carlin Music Corp.)


20.LOWELL FULSON: Guitar Shuffle/(L.Fulson/(R) Lark Music Limited)


    I Esquerita(interpret)
    II Freddie Slack & Ella Mae Morse(interpret)
    III Fulson, Lowell(interpret)
    IV Jones, George(interpret)
    V Lewis, Jerry Lee(interpret)
    VI Miller, Frankie(interpret)
    VII Moore, Merrill E.(interpret)
    VIII Orbison, Roy(interpret)
    IX Otis, Johnny(interpret)
    X Perkins, Carl(interpret)
    XI Richard Berry & The Pharoahs(interpret)
    XII Rob Orbison & The Teen Kings(interpret)

    1. muzică instrumentală


016 __ $aLECD 025
035 __ $a784/R61
035 __ $aII 672
101 0_ $aeng
102 __ $aEngland
200 0_ $aROCK 'n 'Roll Classics $bCD audio
210 __ $aLondon $cPPL $ds.a. $eEngland $gPPL
215 __ $a1CD $e1 broşura
225 __ $aLegends in Music
299 __ $aROCK 'n 'Roll Classics
300 __ $aConţine broşură cu o scurtă prezentare a artiştilor prezenţi pe CD. Autor: Den Moran.
327 __ $a

1.FREDDIE SLACK & ELLA MAE MORSE: House Of Blue Lights/(F.Slack/D.Raye/(R) United Artists/Big Three Music Ltd.)


2.JERRY LEE LEWIS: Bonnie B/(C.Underwood/(R) Knox Music Limited)


3.ROY ORBISON: Ooby Dooby/(Noors/Penner/(R) Southern Music Pub. Co. Limited)


4.MERRILL E.MOORE: Rock, Rockola/(L.Ross/(R) Vanguard Songs)


5.THE CADETS: Stranded In The Jungle/(Smith/Johnson/Curry/(R) Souther Music Pub. Co. Limited)


6.THE PLATTERS: Voo Vee Ah Vee/(J.Williams/(R) Argo Music Inc.)


7.THE JODIMARS: Well Now Dig This/(Pingatore/(R) Cecil Lennox Limited)


8.GEORGE JONES: Heartbreak Hotel/(Axton/Durden/Presley/(R) Multimood Music Limited)


9.ESQUERITA: Hole In My Heart/(Esquerita/(R) Copyright Control)


10.RICHARD BERRY & THE PHAROAHS: Louie Louie/(R.Berry/(R) Limax Music Ltd.)


11.JOHNY OTIS: Good Golly/(J.Otis/D.Hicks/(R) Leeds Music Limited)


12.ROB ORBISON & THE TEEN KINGS: Rock House/(Jenkin/Orbison/(R) Carlin Music Corp.)


13.RICHARD BERRY & THE PHAROAHS: Rock, Rock, Rock/R.Berry/(R) World Copyrights Limited/EMI Music)


14.JERRY LEE LEWIS: Down The Line/(R.Orbison/(R) Carlin Music Corp.)


15.ESQUERITA: Rockin ' The Joint/(Esquerita/(R) Peter Maurice Music Co. Limited)


16.THE CADETS: Do You Wanna Rock/(unknwon/(R) Copyrights Control)


17.TEEN QUEENS: Rock Everybody/(unknown/(R) Copyright Control)


18.CARL PERKINS: Dixie Fried/(Perkins/Griffin/(R) Carlin Music Corp.)


19.FRANKIE MILLER: Poppin ' Johnny/Veale/Ward/(R) Carlin Music Corp.)


20.LOWELL FULSON: Guitar Shuffle/(L.Fulson/(R) Lark Music Limited)

606 __ $amuzică instrumentală
608 __ $aAdmoni, V.
675 __ $a784.13
686 __ $a78
702 _0 $4interpret $aEsquerita
702 _0 $4interpret $aFreddie Slack & Ella Mae Morse
702 _0 $4interpret $aFulson, Lowell
702 _0 $4interpret $aJones, George
702 _0 $4interpret $aLewis, Jerry Lee
702 _0 $4interpret $aMiller, Frankie
702 _0 $4interpret $aMoore, Merrill E.
702 _0 $4interpret $aOrbison, Roy
702 _0 $4interpret $aOtis, Johnny
702 _0 $4interpret $aPerkins, Carl
702 _0 $4interpret $aRichard Berry & The Pharoahs
702 _0 $4interpret $aRob Orbison & The Teen Kings
975 00 $a784.13
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 9260/AV / 0009260 D Împrumut la sala de lectură Da 784/R61
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
D Împrumut la sala de lectură 1

Disponibile: 1

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