Autor | Ravel, Maurice chat |
Editura | Selected Sound Carrier chat |
Loc publicare | Cehia |
An | 1996 |
Subiect | muzică instrumentală chat |
ISRC | |
Număr ISRC | 1930.2070-2 |
Titlu | |
Titlu | Ravel: Bolero : Prelude à l'après-midi d'un faune / Claude Debussy. L'Apprenti sorcier / Paul Dukas. Le Carneval des animaux / Camille Saint-Saëns |
Indici CZU | |
Indice de bază CZU | 785 |
785.1 | |
Titlu / Menţiuni de responsabilitate | |
Titlu | Ravel: Bolero |
Desemnarea gen. a materialului | CD audio |
Alte informaţii la titlu | Prelude à l'après-midi d'un faune / Claude Debussy. L'Apprenti sorcier / Paul Dukas. Le Carneval des animaux / Camille Saint-Saëns |
Prima menţ. de resp. | Ravel Maurice |
Urm. menţ. de responsabilitate | Camille Saint-Saens |
Paul Dukas | |
dirijor: Oliver Dohnanyi | |
dirijor: Ondrej lenárd | |
Claude Debussy | |
dirijor: Bystrik Rezucha | |
Nume de persoană / resp. intelectuală primară | |
Autor principal | Ravel, Maurice |
Nume de persoană / resp. intelectuală alternativă | |
Autor alternativ | Debussy, Claude-Achille |
Dukas, Paul | |
Saint-Saëns, Camille | |
Nume de persoană / resp. intelectuală secundară | |
Cod de legătură | dirijor |
Autor secundar | Lenard, Ondrej |
Cod de legătură | dirijor |
Autor secundar | Dohnanyi, Oliver |
Cod de legătură | dirijor |
Autor secundar | Rezucha, Bystrik |
Alt sistem de control al numerelor | |
Cotă | 785/R31 |
II 946 | |
Număr (indice) CZU | |
Număr (indice) CZU | 785 |
785.1 | |
Alte clasificări | |
Alte clasificări - Numărul clasei | 78/79 |
Caracteristicile rubricii | |
Element de intrare | Admoni, V. |
Vedetă de subiect ca subiect | |
Subiect | muzică instrumentală |
Limba resursei | |
Limba textului | fre |
Publicare, distribuţie | |
Loc publicare | Cehia |
Editura | Selected Sound Carrier |
Data publicării | 1996 |
Descriere fizică | |
Desemnarea specifica a mat. | 1 CD |
Serii | |
Titlul seriei | Prestige Classics |
Nume de instituţie / resp. intelectuală alternativă | |
Nume de instituţie / resp. intelectuală alternativă | Radio Bratislava Symphony Orchestra |
Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra | |
Notă de conţinut | |
Textul notei | 1.Maurice Ravel (1875-1918): Bolero/16:43/Radio Bratislava Symphony, Ondrej Lenard |
2.Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Prelude a L 'apres midi d 'un faune/Vorspiel zu Der Nachmitag eines Faun/Prelude to an Afternoon of a Faun/10:13/Radio Bratislava Symphony Orchestra, Ondrej Lenard |
3.Paul Dukas (1865-1935): L 'Apprenti sorcier/Der Zauberlehring/The Sorcer 's Apprentice/11:05/Radio Bratislava Symphony Orchestra, Oliver Dohnanyi |
4.Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921): Le Carneval des animaux/Der Karneval der Tiere/The Carnival of the Animals/21:38/(1/4.Introduktion und koniglicher Gang des Lowen/Introduction and Royal March of the Lion/2:14; 2/5.Gockel und Huhner/Cocks and Hens/0:48; 3/6.Wilde Esel/Wild Asses/0:33; 4/7.Riesenschildkroten/Tortoises/2:03; 5/8.Im Elefantenhaus/In the House of the Elephants/1:23; 6/9.Kanguruhs/Kangaros/1:00; 7/10.Aquarium/2:30; 8/11.Leute mit langen Ohren/People with Long Ears/0:46; 9/12.Kuckuk im Herzen der Walder/Cuckoo in the Heart of the Woods/1:51; 10/13.Vogelhaus/Aviary/1:11; 11/14.Pianisten/Pianists/1:10; 12/15.Fossilien/Fossils; 13/16.Der Schwan/The Swan; 14/17.Finale)/Slowakische Philharmonie/Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Bystrik Rezucha |
Date cod.: durata sau sunet. înreg. şi muz. imprim. | |
Durata | 59:39 |
1.Maurice Ravel (1875-1918): Bolero/16:43/Radio Bratislava Symphony, Ondrej Lenard
2.Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Prelude a L 'apres midi d 'un faune/Vorspiel zu Der Nachmitag eines Faun/Prelude to an Afternoon of a Faun/10:13/Radio Bratislava Symphony Orchestra, Ondrej Lenard
3.Paul Dukas (1865-1935): L 'Apprenti sorcier/Der Zauberlehring/The Sorcer 's Apprentice/11:05/Radio Bratislava Symphony Orchestra, Oliver Dohnanyi
4.Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921): Le Carneval des animaux/Der Karneval der Tiere/The Carnival of the Animals/21:38/(1/4.Introduktion und koniglicher Gang des Lowen/Introduction and Royal March of the Lion/2:14; 2/5.Gockel und Huhner/Cocks and Hens/0:48; 3/6.Wilde Esel/Wild Asses/0:33; 4/7.Riesenschildkroten/Tortoises/2:03; 5/8.Im Elefantenhaus/In the House of the Elephants/1:23; 6/9.Kanguruhs/Kangaros/1:00; 7/10.Aquarium/2:30; 8/11.Leute mit langen Ohren/People with Long Ears/0:46; 9/12.Kuckuk im Herzen der Walder/Cuckoo in the Heart of the Woods/1:51; 10/13.Vogelhaus/Aviary/1:11; 11/14.Pianisten/Pianists/1:10; 12/15.Fossilien/Fossils; 13/16.Der Schwan/The Swan; 14/17.Finale)/Slowakische Philharmonie/Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Bystrik Rezucha
.1.Maurice Ravel (1875-1918): Bolero/16:43/Radio Bratislava Symphony, Ondrej Lenard
$a2.Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Prelude a L 'apres midi d 'un faune/Vorspiel zu Der Nachmitag eines Faun/Prelude to an Afternoon of a Faun/10:13/Radio Bratislava Symphony Orchestra, Ondrej Lenard
$a3.Paul Dukas (1865-1935): L 'Apprenti sorcier/Der Zauberlehring/The Sorcer 's Apprentice/11:05/Radio Bratislava Symphony Orchestra, Oliver Dohnanyi
$a4.Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921): Le Carneval des animaux/Der Karneval der Tiere/The Carnival of the Animals/21:38/(1/4.Introduktion und koniglicher Gang des Lowen/Introduction and Royal March of the Lion/2:14; 2/5.Gockel und Huhner/Cocks and Hens/0:48; 3/6.Wilde Esel/Wild Asses/0:33; 4/7.Riesenschildkroten/Tortoises/2:03; 5/8.Im Elefantenhaus/In the House of the Elephants/1:23; 6/9.Kanguruhs/Kangaros/1:00; 7/10.Aquarium/2:30; 8/11.Leute mit langen Ohren/People with Long Ears/0:46; 9/12.Kuckuk im Herzen der Walder/Cuckoo in the Heart of the Woods/1:51; 10/13.Vogelhaus/Aviary/1:11; 11/14.Pianisten/Pianists/1:10; 12/15.Fossilien/Fossils; 13/16.Der Schwan/The Swan; 14/17.Finale)/Slowakische Philharmonie/Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Bystrik Rezucha
Barcode/Nr. Inventar | Număr/Ediție | Localizare | Regim resursa | Disponibil | Cota | |
1. | 9582/AV / 0009582 | D | Împrumut la sala de lectură | Da | 785/R31 |
Gestiune | Regim imprumut | Ex. | Acțiune |
D | Împrumut la sala de lectură | 1 |