POLITICAL Handbook of the World Parliaments, Parties and Press

Editura Harper and Brothers Publishers chat
Loc publicare New York
An 1958

III 5136

    POLITICAL Handbook of the World Parliaments, Parties and Press.- New York : Harper and Brothers Publishers , 1958.
    IV, 229 p..


035 __ $aIII 5136
101 0_ $aeng
200 0_ $aPOLITICAL Handbook of the World Parliaments, Parties and Press $bCarte tipărită
210 ## $aNew York $cHarper and Brothers Publishers $d1958
215 __ $aIV, 229 p.
299 __ $aPOLITICAL Handbook of the World Parliaments, Parties and Press
608 __ $amonografie
675 __ $a32(100)
675 __ $a328(100)
675 __ $a09
686 __ $aLS $a3/32
975 00 $a32
975 00 $a(100)
975 00 $a328
975 00 $a(100)
975 00 $a09
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 199041 / 0199041 D Împrumut la sala de lectură Da III 5136
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
D Împrumut la sala de lectură 1

Disponibile: 1

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