Periodontal Diseases: Osipov Sineşti 's original Parodontological Conception and the 3 Surgical : [album]

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Editura Ministry of Chemical Industry Industrial Central for Medicinal Drugs and Cosmetics chat
Loc publicare Bucharest
An 1985
Subiect paradontologie chat
Note Al doilea exemplar la format nr. inv. 520039

Ars III 291

Osipov-Sineşti, Grigore
    Periodontal Diseases: Osipov Sineşti 's original Parodontological Conception and the 3 Surgical : [album] : Methods in Pictures / Grigore Osipov-Sineşti.- Bucharest : Ministry of Chemical Industry Industrial Central for Medicinal Drugs and Cosmetics , 1985.
    240 p. : il. color.    
    Al doilea exemplar la format nr. inv. 520039.

    1. paradontologie


035 __ $aArs III 291
101 0_ $aeng
200 0_ $aPeriodontal Diseases: Osipov Sineşti 's original Parodontological Conception and the 3 Surgical $bCarte tipărită $e[album] $eMethods in Pictures $fGrigore Osipov-Sineşti
210 ## $aBucharest $cMinistry of Chemical Industry Industrial Central for Medicinal Drugs and Cosmetics $d1985
215 __ $a240 p. $cil. color
299 __ $aPeriodontal Diseases: Osipov Sineşti 's original Parodontological Conception and the 3 Surgical : [album]
300 __ $aAl doilea exemplar la format nr. inv. 520039
501 __ $aSediul central $aSediul central
606 __ $aparadontologie
608 __ $aalbum
615 __ $n6
675 __ $a616.3(075.8)
686 __ $a61 $aLS
700 __ $aOsipov-Sineşti, Grigore
975 00 $a616.3
975 00 $a(075.8)
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 520040 / 0520040 D Împrumut la sala de lectură Da Ars III 291
2. 520039 / 0520039 D Împrumut la sala de lectură Da Ars III 291
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D Împrumut la sala de lectură 2

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