NEGRO Spirituals

Editura Supraphon chat
Loc publicare Praga
An [19_ _]
Subiect cîntece ale negrilor chat
Note 784.75/ N40
Fața 1: Great getting up; It s me, oh Lord; No Harm; The Old ark is moving; Scandalize my name; Fața 2: Deep River; Study war no more; Joshua fit the battle of Jericho; Every time i feel the Spirit; I got a mule
ISRC: 22292

III 715

    NEGRO Spirituals ; dirijor cor: Joseph Crawford.- Praga : Supraphon , [19_ _].
    disc audio : Stereo.    
    784.75/ N40
    Fața 1: Great getting up; It s me, oh Lord; No Harm; The Old ark is moving; Scandalize my name; Fața 2: Deep River; Study war no more; Joshua fit the battle of Jericho; Every time i feel the Spirit; I got a mule
    ISRC: 22292.

    1. cîntece ale negrilor


299 __ $aNEGRO Spirituals
975 __ $a784.75 $a(086.7)
200 __ $aNEGRO Spirituals $gdirijor cor: Joseph Crawford $bDisc audio
035 __ $aIII 715
675 __ $a784.75(086.7)
686 __ $a78/79
608 __ $aînregistrare audio
606 __ $acîntece ale negrilor
101 __ $aeng
102 __ $aCZ
210 __ $aPraga $cSupraphon $d[19_ _]
215 __ $adisc audio $cStereo
300 __ $a784.75/ N40
300 __ $aFața 1: Great getting up; It s me, oh Lord; No Harm; The Old ark is moving; Scandalize my name; Fața 2: Deep River; Study war no more; Joshua fit the battle of Jericho; Every time i feel the Spirit; I got a mule
300 __ $aISRC: 22292
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 1520/DA / 0001520 D Împrumut la sala de lectură Da III 715
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
D Împrumut la sala de lectură 1

Disponibile: 1

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