Editura Aurora Art Publishers chat
Loc publicare Leningrad
An 1988
Subiect pictori ruşi (album) chat
Vrubel, Mikhail chat
ISBN 5730001312

Ars V 789

    MIKHAIL VRUBEL : [album] / compiled and introduced by Mikhail Guerman ; designed by Viacheslav Bachtin ; translated from the russian by John Crowfoot.- Leningrad : Aurora Art Publishers , 1988.
    14 p., [14] f. reprod. parte color.- (Masters of World Painting).
    ISBN 5730001312

    I Guerman, Mikhail(pref.)
    II Crowfoot, John(trad.)

    1. pictori ruşi (album)
    2. Vrubel, Mikhail

929Vrubel, Mikhail
082.1Masters of World Painting

010 __ $a5730001312
035 __ $aArs V 789
101 0_ $aeng
200 0_ $aMIKHAIL VRUBEL $bBroşură tipărită $e[album] $fcompiled and introduced by Mikhail Guerman $gdesigned by Viacheslav Bachtin $gtranslated from the russian by John Crowfoot
210 ## $aLeningrad $cAurora Art Publishers $d1988
215 __ $a14 p., [14] f. reprod. parte color
225 0_ $aMasters of World Painting
299 __ $aMIKHAIL VRUBEL : [album]
606 __ $apictori ruşi (album)
606 __ $aVrubel, Mikhail
608 __ $aalbum
675 __ $a75(470+571)(084)
675 __ $a929Vrubel, Mikhail
675 __ $a082.1Masters of World Painting
686 __ $aLS $a7/77
702 _0 $4pref. $aGuerman, Mikhail
702 _0 $4trad. $aCrowfoot, John
975 00 $a75
975 00 $a(084)
975 00 $a(470) $a(571)
975 00 $a929
975 00 $a082.1
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 972936 / 0972936 D Împrumut la sala de lectură Da Ars V 789
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D Împrumut la sala de lectură 1

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