Kids ' Stuff

Autor chat
Editura Evans Brothers chat
Loc publicare London
An 2001
Subiect lit. engl. - roman chat
ISBN 0237523302
Note This is book 3 of Go for it! series

821.111-31/ V99

Vyner, Sue
    Kids ' Stuff / Sue Vyner ; illustrated by Robin Lawrie.- London : Evans Brothers , 2001.
    128 p. : il..    
    This is book 3 of Go for it! series.
    ISBN 0237523302 : 5 lei

    I Lawrie, Robin(il.)

    1. lit. engl. - roman


010 __ $a0237523302 $d5 lei
035 __ $a821.111-31/ V99
101 0_ $aeng
200 0_ $aKids ' Stuff $bCarte tipărită $fSue Vyner $gillustrated by Robin Lawrie
210 ## $aLondon $cEvans Brothers $d2001
215 __ $a128 p. : il.
299 __ $aKids ' Stuff
300 __ $aThis is book 3 of Go for it! series
501 __ $aSediul central
510 __ $aGo for It ! (tit. serie)
517 0_ $aGo for It ! (tit. serie)
606 __ $alit. engl. - roman
608 __ $amonografie
615 __ $n8
675 __ $a821.111-31
686 __ $a821
700 __ $aVyner, Sue
702 __ $4il. $aLawrie, Robin
975 00 $a821.111
975 00 $a-31
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