How to Think Like Stephen Hawking

Autor chat
Editura Michael O'Mara Books chat
Loc publicare London
An 2020
Subiect fizicieni englezi chat
Hawking, Stephen W. chat
teorii cosmologice chat
ISBN 9781789292251
Note Bibliografie p. 203-205

530.1/ H40S

Smith, Daniel
    How to Think Like Stephen Hawking / Daniel Smith.- London : Michael O'Mara Books , 2020 (Croydon : CPI Group : Envy Design) .
    205 p..    
    Bibliografie p. 203-205.
    ISBN 9781789292251

    1. fizicieni englezi
    2. Hawking, Stephen W.
    3. teorii cosmologice

530.1(410)Hawking, Stephen
524.8(410)Hawking, Stephen
929Hawking, Stephen

299 __ $aHow to Think Like Stephen Hawking
955 __ $a1
200 __ $aHow to Think Like Stephen Hawking $fDaniel Smith $bCarte tipărită
700 __ $aSmith, Daniel
010 __ $a9781789292251
035 __ $a530.1/ H40S
675 __ $a530.1(410)Hawking, Stephen
675 __ $a524.8(410)Hawking, Stephen
675 __ $a929Hawking, Stephen
686 __ $a50/54 $aLS
608 __ $amonografie
606 __ $afizicieni englezi
606 __ $aHawking, Stephen W.
606 __ $ateorii cosmologice
101 __ $aeng
210 __ $aLondon $cMichael O'Mara Books $d2020 $eCroydon $gCPI Group $gEnvy Design
215 __ $a205 p.
830 __ $a530.1/ H40S
300 __ $aBibliografie p. 203-205
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 1027610 / 1027610 AMC Împrumut Da 530.1/ H40S
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
AMC Împrumut 1

Disponibile: 1

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