HELLENISM and the Fitst Greek War of Liberation (1821-1830) : Continuity and Change

Editura Institute for Balkan Studies chat
Loc publicare Thessaloniki
An 1976
Subiect istoria Greciei chat

III 18741

    HELLENISM and the Fitst Greek War of Liberation (1821-1830) : Continuity and Change / with an Introduction by John A. Petropulos.- Thessaloniki : Institute for Balkan Studies , 1976.
    239 p..

    I Petropulos, A.(pref.)

    1. istoria Greciei


035 __ $aIII 18741
101 0_ $aeng
200 0_ $aHELLENISM and the Fitst Greek War of Liberation (1821-1830) : Continuity and Change $bCarte tipărită $fwith an Introduction by John A. Petropulos
210 ## $aThessaloniki $cInstitute for Balkan Studies $d1976
215 __ $a239 p.
299 __ $aHELLENISM and the Fitst Greek War of Liberation (1821-1830) : Continuity and Change
501 __ $aSediul central
606 __ $aistoria Greciei
608 __ $amonografie
615 __ $n9
675 __ $a94(495)
686 __ $a929/94
702 _0 $4pref. $aPetropulos, A.
975 00 $a94
975 00 $a(495)
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 498417 / 0498417 D Împrumut la sala de lectură Da III 18741
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
D Împrumut la sala de lectură 1

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