Grammar is fun

Autor chat
Editura Polirom chat
Loc publicare Iași
An 1997
Subiect limba engl. - gramatică chat

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Grammar is fun Paidos, Constantin; Polirom, 1997 Vol.1

Grammar is fun   Paidos, Constantin; Polirom, 1997  Vol.1

Paidos, Constantin

Constantin Paidos, Cristina-Dana Paidos




limba engl. - gramatică

Grammar is fun Paidos, Constantin; Polirom, 1997 Vol.2

Grammar is fun   Paidos, Constantin; Polirom, 1997  Vol.2

Paidos, Constantin

Constantin Paidos, Cristina-Dana Paidos




limba engl. - gramatică

IV 3312

Paidos, Constantin
    Grammar is fun / Constantin Paidos, Cristina-Dana Paidos ; Illustrated and designed by Angela Rotaru-Serbenco.- Iași : Polirom , 1997 (Iași : Polirom) .
    2 vol..

    I Paidos, Cristina-Dana
    II Rotaru-Serbenco, Angela(il.)

    1. limba engl. - gramatică


299 __ $aGrammar is fun
955 __ $a1
200 __ $aGrammar is fun $fConstantin Paidos, Cristina-Dana Paidos $gIllustrated and designed by Angela Rotaru-Serbenco $bCarte tipărită
700 __ $aPaidos, Constantin
701 __ $aPaidos, Cristina-Dana
702 __ $4il. $aRotaru-Serbenco, Angela
035 __ $aIV 3312
675 __ $a811.111'36(075.33)
686 __ $a80/811
606 __ $alimba engl. - gramatică
101 __ $aeng
210 __ $aIași $cPolirom $eIași $d1997 $gPolirom
215 __ $a2 vol.
462 __ $tGrammar is fun Paidos, Constantin; Polirom, 1997 Vol.1
462 __ $tGrammar is fun Paidos, Constantin; Polirom, 1997 Vol.2
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