First to the Moon Bay, Timothy; CPI Group, 1994

Autor chat
Editura CPI Group chat
Loc publicare New York
An 1994
Subiect Apollo 11 chat
navete spaţiale chat
ISBN 0383038189

629.7/ B38

Bay, Timothy
    First to the Moon Bay, Timothy; CPI Group, 1994 / Timothy Bay.- New York : CPI Group , 1994.
    48 p. : fotogr. color.- (Famous Firsts. American Cultural Literacy).
    ISBN 0383038189 : 6 lei

    1. Apollo 11
    2. navete spaţiale

629.785(73)"1969"Apollo 11
082.1Famous Firsts. American Cultural Literacy

010 __ $a0383038189 $d6 lei
035 __ $a629.7/ B38
101 __ $aeng
200 __ $aFirst to the Moon Bay, Timothy; CPI Group, 1994 $bBroşură tipărită $fTimothy Bay
210 __ $aNew York $cCPI Group $d1994
215 __ $a48 p. : fotogr. color
225 __ $aFamous Firsts. American Cultural Literacy
299 __ $aFirst to the Moon Bay, Timothy; CPI Group, 1994
501 __ $aSediul central
606 __ $aApollo 11
606 __ $anavete spaţiale
615 __ $n6
675 __ $a629.785(73)"1969"Apollo 11
675 __ $a082.1Famous Firsts. American Cultural Literacy
686 __ $a62/64 $aLS $az3
700 __ $aBay, Timothy
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1. 868757 / 0868757 AMC Împrumut Da 629.7/ B38
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