Concerto for two Harpsichords and orchestra in C major; Concerto for two Harpsichords and Orchestra in C minor; Concerto in F

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An [19_ _]
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Note 787/B13
ISRC: 1221
Termeni de subiect Bach J.S.

IV 1032

Bach, Johann Sebastian
    Concerto for two Harpsichords and orchestra in C major; Concerto for two Harpsichords and Orchestra in C minor; Concerto in F / Bach J.S.; Bach W.F. ; dirijor: V. Tatrai ; solist: Janos Sebestyen.- : Qualiton , [19_ _].
    disc audio : Stereo.    
    ISRC: 1221.

    I Bach, Wilhelm-Friedemann
    II Tátrai, Viloms(dirijor)
    III Janos, Sebestyen(solist (harpă))

    1. concerte harpă


299 __ $aConcerto for two Harpsichords and orchestra in C major; Concerto for two Harpsichords and Orchestra in C minor; Concerto in F
975 __ $a787 $a(086.7)
200 __ $aConcerto for two Harpsichords and orchestra in C major; Concerto for two Harpsichords and Orchestra in C minor; Concerto in F $fBach J.S.; Bach W.F. $gdirijor: V. Tatrai $gsolist: Janos Sebestyen $bdisc audio
700 __ $aBach, Johann Sebastian
701 __ $aBach, Wilhelm-Friedemann
702 __ $aTátrai, Viloms $4dirijor
702 __ $aJanos, Sebestyen $4solist (harpă)
035 __ $aIV 1032
675 __ $a787(086.7)
686 __ $a78/79
606 __ $aconcerte harpă
608 __ $aînregistrare audio
610 __ $aBach J.S.
101 __ $ahun
102 __ $aHU
210 __ $cQualiton $d[19_ _]
215 __ $adisc audio $cStereo
300 __ $a787/B13
300 __ $aISRC: 1221
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 2306/DA / 0002306 D Împrumut la sala de lectură Da IV 1032
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
D Împrumut la sala de lectură 1

Disponibile: 1

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