ARTS in Britain : Promotion and encouragement

Editura Foreign and Commonwealth Office chat
Loc publicare [London]
An 1993

Ars IV 521

    ARTS in Britain : Promotion and encouragement : [album].- [London] : Foreign and Commonwealth Office , 1993.
    52 p. : il. color.


035 __ $aArs IV 521
101 0_ $aeng
200 0_ $aARTS in Britain $bCarte tipărită $ePromotion and encouragement $e[album]
210 ## $a[London] $cForeign and Commonwealth Office $d1993
215 __ $a52 p. $cil. color
299 __ $aARTS in Britain : Promotion and encouragement
608 __ $aalbum
675 __ $a7(420)(084)
686 __ $a7/77
975 00 $a7
975 00 $a(084)
975 00 $a(420)
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1. 676050 / 0676050 D Împrumut la sala de lectură Da Ars IV 521
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