A Theory of Human Motivations

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An 2015
Subiect motivație (psihologie) chat
psihologia personalităţii chat
realizare de sine chat
ISBN 9781684113170

159.9/ M45

Maslow, Abraham H.
    A Theory of Human Motivations / Abraham H. Maslow.- , 2015.
    16 p..    
    This is the article in which Maslow first presented his hierarchy of needs. It was first printed in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation". Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity..
    ISBN 9781684113170

    1. motivație (psihologie)
    2. psihologia personalităţii
    3. realizare de sine


299 __ $aA Theory of Human Motivations
955 __ $a1
200 __ $aA Theory of Human Motivations $bBroşură tipărită $fAbraham H. Maslow
700 _0 $aMaslow, Abraham H.
010 __ $a9781684113170
035 __ $a159.9/ M45
675 __ $a159.947.5
675 __ $a159.923
675 __ $a616.89
686 __ $a1
686 __ $aLS
608 __ $amonografie
606 __ $amotivație (psihologie)
606 __ $apsihologia personalităţii
606 __ $arealizare de sine
101 __ $aeng
210 __ $d2015
215 __ $a16 p.
330 __ $aThis is the article in which Maslow first presented his hierarchy of needs. It was first printed in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation". Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity.
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 1022453 / 1022453 AMC Împrumut Da 159.9/ M45
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
AMC Împrumut 1

Disponibile: 1

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