A Larger Memory : A History of Our Diversity, with Voices

Autor chat
Editura Little, Brown and Company chat
Loc publicare Boston
An 1998
Subiect minorităţi naţionale (din America)(istoric) chat
probleme sociale (America) chat
ISBN 0316311626

323/ T13

Takaki, Ronald
    A Larger Memory : A History of Our Diversity, with Voices / Ronald Takaki.- Boston : Little, Brown and Company , 1998.
    X, 373 p..- (A BackBay Book. History).
    ISBN 0316311626 : 450000 lei

    1. minorităţi naţionale (din America)(istoric)
    2. probleme sociale (America)

082.1A back bay book. History

010 __ $a0316311626 $d450000 lei
035 __ $a323/ T13
101 0_ $aeng
200 0_ $aA Larger Memory $bCarte tipărită $eA History of Our Diversity, with Voices $fRonald Takaki
210 ## $aBoston $cLittle, Brown and Company $d1998
215 __ $aX, 373 p.
225 0_ $aA BackBay Book. History
299 __ $aA Larger Memory : A History of Our Diversity, with Voices
501 __ $aSediul central
606 __ $aminorităţi naţionale (din America)(istoric)
606 __ $aprobleme sociale (America)
608 __ $amonografie
615 __ $n3
675 __ $a082.1A back bay book. History
675 __ $a323(73)(091):304(73)
686 __ $a3/32
700 _0 $aTakaki, Ronald
975 00 $a082.1
975 00 $a:304 $a323
975 00 $a(091)
975 00 $a(73)
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 777125 / 0777125 AMC Împrumut Da 323/ T13
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
AMC Împrumut 1

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